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Masterchef Shipra Khanna

Shipra Khanna, the Masterchef India 2 winner gained all deserving popularity soon after her victory at the show.

Masterchef Shipra Khanna

Shipra Khanna, a name that ruled every household after she won the Masterchef India Season 2. As an individual, Shipra Khanna has not just covered a milestone, but has ruled the journey with triumphant. A single mother, an excellent cook, and a lovely soul, Shipra Khanna has won hearts of the audience with her magical smile and skillful efforts. LA POLO sat in conversation with the star of the kitchen- Shipra Khanna.

Catch the glimpse of the complete interview here;

1. Who is Shipra Khanna?
Shipra Khanna is Passion and more passion ! Cooking is a therapy as is any art form ! I have been an artist all my life Painting and dance marked my early years and found cooking as fascinating since childhood.

2. You gained your initial fame after winning Masterchef India. It has been a long journey since then. How has life changed for you when it comes to the sense of responsibility that comes along fame?
Life has most definitely changed ! Time management becoming significantly more important now. Commitments and growth need planning. But seldom do I get to experience the change in day to day life as I work most of the time and work doesn’t feel like work so working hard is easy because fortunately my passion is my work ! Cooking Travel Shoots and writing are all things that I love so the responsibility doesn’t burden me even slightly !

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3. ‘Chef’ as a domain has always been ruled by patriarchy. What does it feels like to rule this Aspect?
My Inspiration comes from practical experiences of watching Chefs and Home Chefs ! Eating and experiencing new flavours ! Gosh there are so many talented Chefs and potential Chefs in this world ! It is a real delight to watch and learn from them. Cooking is a non stop learning of new techniques and discovering new flavours and tastes ! One lifetime is not enough as a Chef is what I would say.

4. As a chef, where do you find your room of inspiration?
Cooking is an art form but unlike all other art forms Food requires all senses ! So to practically travel and smell the world kitchens is the edge in evolving in this art form ! Yes schools ! Recipe books and Television and Digital shows teach one a lot but in none of these is the sense of smell aroused ! So smell your way to success as a Chef is my Mantra and advice to aspiring Chefs.

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5. Cooking is an art. What process do you follow to bring out a new form of yourself through your food?
I just draw inspiration from around me , from my travels , from people and that’s what helps me create new recipes each time ..!





Rapid Fire:
● Your favorite dish: Daal rice
● Your favorite dining place: Coya , Zuma and Nobu
● Where to find Shipra Khanna, the masterchef: Instagram - Masterchef Shipra Khanna
● A dish you can eat for the rest of your life: French fries
● The motivation that made Shipra Khanna: Motivation from people around me
● A masterchef tip: Always keep your knives clean and always add salt towards the end while cooking a dish !
● A recipe you would want to share: A very simple yet 3 tbsp of black truffle oil ,1 tbsp Apple juice , 1 tsp mustard sauce , 1 tbsp fresh chives,4-5 slices of truffles salt, pepper mix well and make a dressing.! Goes with salads as dressing and with fries, risotto, fish or chicken as sauce !
● Your favorite Chef: Nobu Matsuhisa and Hestan Bleumenthal
● What do you do when you are not working: Eating!!!
P.S. : How about inviting us for a lunch! - You’re welcome anytime !







